Раздел журнала/сборника: Физико-математические науки

Бездельников Владимир Александрович

Elastic deformation modeling based on surface grid

A method of modeling three-dimensional object deformation is described. This problem originated from the eye microsurgery operation framework development and thus has some advantages that can help in physical simulation. We suggest an approach that can reduce real-time deformation calculation complexity. The standard way of elastic objects’ modeling with a three-dimensional tetrahedron grid does not allow achievement of the goal. Instead of using a three-dimensional grid we simulated the surface reaction by taking into account the internal volume forces’ measure.


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Описание документа
Бездельников В. А. Elastic deformation modeling based on surface grid / В. А. Бездельников // Учен. зап. Петрозавод. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Естественные и технические науки. — 2012. — № 8 (129), т. 2. — С. 104-105. — Статья на англ. яз. — URL: http://library2.petrsu.ru/books/20471 (дата обращения: 18.01.2025)

Издатель: Издательство ПетрГУ

Copyright: Петрозаводский государственный университет

Место издания: Петрозаводск

Год издания: 2012