Раздел журнала/сборника: К 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне (История)

Tuunainen Pasi

Elimination of Pockets in Western Lemetti during January-February 1940: Use of German Experience with Storm Troops by the Finnish IV Army Corps

The article covers the military tactic used by the Finnish IV Corps during the Soviet-Finnish (Winter) War of 1939–1940 for elimination of Soviet units encircled in pockets. It concentrates on the adaptation of the German WWI experience with storm troops to specific conditions of the winter weather and wooded terrain, as well as on the role of special training and personality factor.


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Описание документа
Tuunainen P. Elimination of Pockets in Western Lemetti during January-February 1940: Use of German Experience with Storm Troops by the Finnish IV Army Corps / P. Tuunainen ; Translation from the Finnish language by Alexey Golubev // Учен. зап. Петрозавод. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Общественные и гуманитарные науки. — 2010. — № 3 (108). — С. 26-32. — Статья на англ. яз. — URL: http://library2.petrsu.ru/books/21345 (дата обращения: 18.01.2025)

Издатель: Издательство ПетрГУ

Copyright: Петрозаводский государственный университет

Место издания: Петрозаводск

Год издания: 2010